For function needed plugin PlaceholderAPI
%notcredits_credits% - Shows how much credit the player has. (since v3.0 shows only raw rounded number)
%notcredits_credits_formatted% - (since v3.0) Shows formatted balance of player
%notcredits_top_#% - Returns the highest number of credits in the database
%notcredits_top_name_#% - Returns the name of the player with the most credits
Examples how formatted placeholder works based on config: balance_decimal: false, balance_short: false 1234.56 → "1235"
balance_decimal: false, balance_short: true 1234.56 → "1.23k"
balance_decimal: true, balance_short: false balance_format: '#.##' 1234.56 → "1234.56"
balance_decimal: true, balance_short: true balance_format: '#.##' 1234.56 → "1.23k"
Last updated